
More on Japan earthquake and tsunami

2011 03 14 iht wsj

The latest on Japan:

(Image above: today’s WSJ and IHT feature the same moving photo of a woman standing amid wreckage.)


Resources for following the Japan earthquake news

Here are a few resources I recommend for following the Japan news online:

  • This AP story does a good job of summarizing the day’s events.
  • This BBC News live blog has running updates.
  • The WSJ also has a live blog.
  • A few journalists on Twitter I recommend following are: @TomokoHosaka (AP); @JaymesSong (AP); @AkikoFujita (ABC News); @W7VOA (VOA); and
    @sandrajapandra (freelance). I’ve also created this Japan earthquake Twitter list with additional folks. I’ll continue updating the list.
  • Categories

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