
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Taking Selfies But Were Afraid to Ask

2015 09 16 selfies

Aanand Prasad, pictured above, has written an amusing — and exhaustive — guide to taking selfies:

Do you ever hate how you look in photos taken by other people? That’s because other people have no clue how to make you look good. But you can very easily learn how.

Selfies have been a positive force in my life ever since I came across the wonderful #dudetime and its gently radical flipping of the default male gaze. If you think selfies are bad for any reason, I don’t want to know. I suggest getting in a bin and sharing your bad opinions with the other trash.

The target audience is straight dudes, but there are tips in here for everyone. He covers topics like lighting, camera angles, facial expressions, backgrounds, composition, and more.

Fun stuff.