
Amazing Video: Hippo Devouring a Watermelon in One Bite

This Vine, embedded above and online here, is mesmerizing. I saw it posted to Twitter recently.

There’s a slightly longer version, with an alternate — and more frightening, given how close the camera is to the creature’s maw — view on YouTube here.

And then there’s the original video, which includes a bit more footage before the chomping occurs.

It comes from the Nagasaki Bio Park in Japan, according to this this UPI story from April, and its description reads “Learn how hippopotamus eat whole watermelon!”



Fun Friday, Enormous Rabbit Edition


Atlas, pictured above, is a continental giant rabbit currently living with the Scottish SPCA in Glasgow.

He is only seven months old, and is in search of a home.

Prospective owners should be aware that Atlas may grow up to four feet in length and weigh nearly 50 pounds.

Of course, while Atlas is big, he is not yet Darius-big.

Is there anything better in the world than huge, juvenile rabbits?