
Newley Purnell hedcut

Hi. I’m Newley Purnell. I cover technology and business at The Wall Street Journal, based in Hong Kong. I write about how global tech companies operate in some of the world’s most populous countries.

Among the awards I have won with colleagues:

This WSJ.com page contains links to some of my recent stories. And my Journalism page here on Newley.com has links to some of my notable WSJ work and pieces from before I joined the Journal.

How to contact me

  • For news tips, you can send me email at: newley.purnell@wsj.com. I’m also at newley@protonmail.com. (My personal email address is: n@newley.com.)
  • My mobile number is +85269099615
  • You can direct message me on Twitter. I’m @Newley.
  • For Mastodon, you can find me on journa.host at journa.host/@newley
  • To contact me securely, you can reach me on Signal at that number, +85269099615. You can download Signal here if you don’t have the app.
  • You can send me postal mail at this address. If you prefer not to put identifying information on the outside of the envelope, you can include your contact details, such a number to reach you on Signal, on the inside.

    Newley Purnell
    The Wall Street Journal
    25/F, Central Plaza
    18 Harbour Road, Wanchai
    Hong Kong

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My background

About this site

  • I registered Newley.com in 1999, began posting material on the site in 2001, and have been blogging consistently since January 2002.
  • Over the years, Newley.com has been mentioned in popular blogs like BoingBoing and Kottke.org, as well as in Lonely Planet, in print and online.

What’s here?

  • I mostly share links to my stories, but also post about books, summing up notable titles I’ve read in my Book Notes posts. Sometimes I delve into sports (mostly soccer) and put together HOWTO guides on gadgets, travel and more.
  • Here are some of my most popular posts.
  • Other stuff: I maintain a Starbucks Misspellings page to document baristas’ interpretations of my admittedly unusual name.


  • In blog posts I published through the end of 2013, I occasionally linked to books or other items on Amazon.com using a personal affiliate link. This meant if you clicked through and bought the item, I received a small referral fee. I no longer use such links.

Posting schedule

  • I post whenever time allows, and often share links via my Twitter feed.


  • This blog contains my personal thoughts. My postings do not represent the views of my employers or any other groups. Also, a formatting note: Unless otherwise stated, bold font added to quoted material in my posts indicates my emphasis, not the author’s.

Site Tools

  • Newley.com runs on the WordPress content management system.
  • My Web host is DreamHost.
  • I use the Mac-only MarsEdit desktop blog editor.

Creative Commons


  • I welcome feedback via comments on individual posts and via email. I delete comments that I think don’t add anything constructive to the site.

Thanks for visiting.

This page was last updated April 14, 2022.