Newley's Notes

NN230: Ginger arrives in Hong Kong!

Sent as an email newsletter Sunday, August 9. Not a subscriber yet? Get it here.

👋 Hi, friends. Welcome to the latest edition of Newley’s Notes, a weekly newsletter containing my recent Wall Street Journal stories, must-read links on tech and life, and funny dog videos.

🚨 Let’s cut right to the chase: Ginger, our beloved dog, has just arrived here in Hong Kong after a spell in the U.S. following our move from India.

❤️ So the photo of the week, obviously: Gingy! In HK! More soon on the backstory, but didn’t want to bury the lede. The pack has been reunited.

Here are ten items worth your time this week:

📱 1) Shot: Microsoft has been in talks to acquire TikTok from China’s Bytedance, as I wrote last week. And now, per a scoop Saturday from my WSJ colleagues Georgia Wells and Cara Lombardo, Twitter has had “preliminary talks about a potential combination” with TikTok.

📺 2) Chaser: On Friday I joined Parikshit Luthra on CNBC-TV18’s “The Global Eye,” a news show in India, to discuss the potential Microsoft-TikTok deal. You can find the segment on Twitter here and on my Instagram here.

🦠 3) Wired’s Steven Levy interviews Bill Gates about Covid–19, among other issues. “You have to admit there’s been trillions of dollars of economic damage done and a lot of debts, but the innovation pipeline on scaling up diagnostics, on new therapeutics, on vaccines is actually quite impressive,” Gates says. “And that makes me feel like, for the rich world, we should largely be able to end this thing by the end of 2021, and for the world at large by the end of 2022.

🤦‍♂️ 4) Fighting Excel is futile. Case in point: Scientists have had to rename 27 human genes because the program kept converting their names to dates. For example, “Membrane Associated Ring-CH-Type Finger 1,“ aka MARCH1, became ”1-Mar."

🔨 5) “We Quit Our Jobs to Build a Cabin – Everything Went Wrong,” write Bryan Schatz and Patrick Hutchison in Outside. “And it was awesome.”

✏️ 6) RIP Pete Hamill. From the AP’s obit: “Pete Hamill was one of [New York City’s] last great crusading columnists and links to journalism’s days of chattering typewriters and smoked-filled banter, an Irish-American both tough and sentimental who related to the underdog and mingled with the elite.”"

🎨 7) Japanese artist Tatsuya Tanaka creates tiny scenes with minature people…featuring everyday pandemic-related items like face masks and thermometers transformed into new objects.

🩸 8) High blood sugar – from stuff like sugar and processed foods – may make exercise less effective.

😲 9) Mind-bending Wikipedia article of the week: Recursive islands and lakes. Bonus: related video.

🍂 10) Dog-related video of the week: not new, but a classic worth revisiting: “I watched this a few times 🤣🤣.” Bonus video: The jealous brother.


📕 What I’m Reading

Almost finished with Evan Osnos’s excellent “Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth, and Faith in the New China.”

Meanwhile I finally got around to typing up my notes for a title I read read a few months back: “Pandemics: A Very Short Introduction,” by Christian McMillen.

💡 Quote of the week:

“My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.” – Henry Rollins


👊 Fist bump from Hong Kong,


India Life

Two Years with Our Adopted New Delhi Street Dog, Ginger

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Last week – November 4 – marked two years since we adopted Ginger.

She continues to be a delight. She is clever, loyal, playful, energetic, silly, and sometimes slightly devious. And she definitely loves her long walks.

The photo at the top is from a Lodhi Garden trip. She loves that place. Here’s another pic of her there:

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And here she is at rest in the sun at home:

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One of her most endearing traits is her love of pouncing. Here’s a video of her hopping on me when I called her recently! 🙂

Dogs: What would life be without them?


  • One Year with our Adopted New Delhi Street Dog, Ginger
  • Introducing our Desi Dog, Ginger

  • Categories

    Ginger Snapshot: ‘I Got the Morning Papers for You!”

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    The latest shenanigans from Ginger.

    Do I detect a bit of a smile in that second photo?

    I believe I do.


    An Excellent, Dog Friendly New Delhi Outing: Sunder Nursery

    sunder nursery dog friendly

    New Delhi can be very dog-unfriendly.

    It’s hard to walk canines here, and most restaurants and cafes don’t allow furry companions.

    So we were excited today to discover that Sunder Nursery, a recently opened park that friends have raved about, lets you bring in pooches – provided you clean up after them, and keep them leashed, and off the grass (humans must also stick to most pathways).

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    Located near Humayun’s Tomb in central Delhi, it opened earlier this year after being renovated. It houses a 16th century tomb, various gardens and lawns, and is meticulously maintained. You can find it on Google Maps here.

    An added bonus: There’s a farmers’ market every Sunday between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. You can buy coffee and juices, snacks, produce and more. There are tables to sit down and eat, as well.

    The complex is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day. There’s a small admission charge for entry.

    You can find more info on the Sunder Nursery Wikipedia page, and on TripAdvisor. Scroll down for pics — and a photo of the rules posted outside the entrance stipulating that canines are allowed in.

    Highly recommended by us – and Ginger.

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    Sunder Nursery

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    Just inside the entrance

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    The place is surprisingly un-crowded

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    Acres of green

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    The farmers market

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    The farmers market

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    Stare-down with some local dogs

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    See point number nine.

    India Life

    Merry Christmas from New Delhi

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    I hope your holiday was full of food, friends, family, and festivities.

    Ginger got a candy cane dog toy, which, because she is a #PowerChewer, lasted all of ten minutes!

    India Life

    One Year with our Adopted New Delhi Street Dog, Ginger

    November 4th marked one year since we adopted Ginger.

    In her favorite perch

    If you missed my post from March, here’s the backstory and some pics of her as a puppy. This was the day we got her:

    The big day

    To recap: She is a New Delhi street dog and displays many of the characteristics of desidogs (also known as Indogs or Indian pariah dogs.)

    Now almost a year and a half old, she is fully grown, weighing about 20 kg (45 pounds).

    She is an alert, cautious, playful, smart, athletic, and affectionate dog.

    She is also quite protective of our house, springing into action and barking if anyone unfamiliar rattles our gate.

    She also loves to play fetch.

    She is a powerful jumper.

    She doesn’t demand to be by our sides constantly, but does enjoy sleeping near (or sometimes directly on) us.

    Oh, and she definitely has a mischievous streak. She seems to enjoy nothing more than stealing a shoe or a sock as I sit down to put them on before leaving for the office in the morning, prompting me to chase after her (which is no doubt the point of the “game” for her).

    Fetching the newspaper
    Beckoning us to come outside to play
    Shake on it?
    Encountering a goat during a walk in a New Delhi park.
    With a blanket stuck on her ear
    “Oh, did you *not* want your favorite pillow liberated of its stuffing?”
    “Helping” me write a story.
    She eats a healthy diet of chicken, rice and high-grade kibble — but occasionally gets her own pancake on Saturdays. 🙂
    On an outing at Lodhi Garden.

    If you’re interested in adopting a desi dog here in New Delhi (or just want to donate to a good cause) check out the Indian Canine Uplipftment Centre, or ICUC, where we got Ginger.

    They do great work rescuing pups and providing medical services to the city’s huge population of strays.

    We’ve also had some very informative training sessions with Namratha Rao of Pawsitive Tales. She really knows the breed well and is highly skilled. Get in touch with her if you have any dog training needs.

    Here’s to 2019 and beyond with Ginger!

    India Life

    Introducing our Desi Dog, Ginger

    TLDR: Say hello to the newest member of our family: the beautiful Ginger!


    The backstory:

    Last year, about six months after our beloved dog Ashley died, we found ourselves really missing having a pooch in our lives. But we weren’t quite ready to adopt a new one.


    Anasuya started asking around about organizations here in Delhi that help street dogs, and a friend recommended the Indian Canine Uplipftment Centre, or ICUC.


    The New Delhi-based organization was founded in 2012 by the charming Sonya Kochhar Apicella, who like all the staff at the center clearly care deeply for dogs. And as anyone who has visited Delhi knows, there are tons of street dogs here.

    ICUC is the NGO wing of a boarding, day care and grooming on the same premises called Canine Elite.

    (If you’re into helping dogs, do consider getting in touch with or donating funds to ICUC. If you’re here in Delhi and need any dog-related services, consider Canine Elite.)


    ‘Designed by Darwin’

    Often called Desi dogs (Desi roughly meaning “from India,” based on the Hindi word for “country”), these canines typically look like Ginger: medium sized, short haired, and often a shade of brown, with some white marks.

    They’re also sometimes referred to as Indi-dogs or “Indian pariah dogs.” (“Pariah” is an ecological term for dogs that typically live on their own, outside homes, untouched by breeding.)

    Another name for the creatures is INDogs, short for “Indian Native Dog;” you can find a wealth of information at, the site for the INDog Project.

    The group also maintains a gallery of such canines, and a crowd-sourced document containing reports on the dogs’ temperament.

    Desi dogs, some of which have over the years mixed with non-native Indian breeds to varying degrees, often live in neighborhoods here in New Delhi and in other cities, towns, and villages.

    Residents typically look after them, feeding them but often not providing medical attention or sterilization. Others dogs roam around more freely. Many have diseases and suffer from various ailments.

    I haven’t seen the full version of the documentary, but Desi dogs are reportedly mentioned in a 2003 National Geographic documentary called “Search for the First Dog,” as being one of the world’s oldest types of dogs.

    A snippet from the show describes these dogs perfectly: they’re “designed by Darwin.” They are mostly a product of natural selection, not man-made tinkering for looks.

    So anyway: Ginger.

    On our first ICUC visit, we learned that Sonya and her team had just taken in a litter of ten Desi dog puppies, along with their mother, who had been rescued from a New Delhi intersection.

    We decided to play with the pups a bit.

    Then this happened.


    Frankly, all the puppies were cute, but this little light brown one – with a white stripe down the middle of her face – struck me as especially lovable. And she was comfortable with people, which I liked, while some of her litter-mates were a bit more skittish.


    We continued visiting the center once or twice a month, often checking in on the litter and spending time playing with some of the dozen or so older dogs living there, which range in age from nearly a year to several years old.

    Then around October, one day we showed up to discover that five of the ten puppies…had been adopted!

    I rushed into the room where they were being held and found, to my relief, that the cute little yellow puppy was still there.

    So that was it: We decided to officially adopt her, signing the papers on November 4.

    And as I mentioned, we’ve named her Ginger.

    ICUC ginger
    The big day.

    ginger sleeping
    In the car on the way home.

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    The first couple of weeks, despite our better judgement, we let her sleep in our bed because it was the only way we could get her to stop whining. Total bed hog. She no longer sleeps in the bed with us.

    ginger pen
    “Please play with me!”

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    An early visit to the vet

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    With a favorite toy

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    Sleeping on Anasuya

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    One of her favorite perches, where she can keep an eye on the gate and police any potential intruders – when she’s not napping, that is.

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    In the sun.

    ginger lapdog
    She weighed about five kilograms – or 11 pounds – when we first adopted here and now, at about eight months, she weighs 16 kg (35 pounds). I think she’ll continue growing a bit more. She seeks out pats a little less now, but still enjoys sitting in our laps from time to time, as you can see above.

    Now that she’s getting closer to the one-year mark, we’re also getting a better sense of her grown-up characteristics.

    She is a very smart and alert dog, keen to interact with humans and play with toys and fetch balls. She’s also quite athletic and agile.

    And she is a great watch dog: She’s plenty defensive of us and our house, but she doesn’t bark an unreasonable amount.

    Ginger’s likes include:

    1. Eating bugs
    2. Running in circles in the yard
    3. Playing with other dogs
    4. Biting her leash, turning walks into tug-of-war matches
    5. Policing the kitchen for dropped scraps
    6. Napping

    Among her dislikes:

    1. Cats
    2. Tennis racquet-shaped flyswatters
    3. People ringing our doorbell

    We love her so much already.