File under: The adopted soi dog chronicles…
I am late in noting this, but August 15 was the second anniversary of our adoption of Ashley, our rescued street dog.
As I mentioned in my post last year providing the back story, we got her from the fine folks at SCAD Bangkok.
SCAD stands for Soi Cats and Dogs. (Soi is the Thai word for a small street.) The group takes in sick street animals and encourages adoption, fostering, spaying-neutering, and more.
The original post has all the details, but here, again, is what Ashley looked like as a puppy when SCAD rescued her.
You can see that she underwent a surgery for a stomach injury:


Here’s how she appeared when we took her home with us. She had been living at SCAD for about a year at this point:

The big day:

I think the before and after photos tell you everything you need to know about the exceptional work SCAD does.
Okay. Ashley updates for the past year:
Her likes continue to be:
- hanging out on the patio
- sleeping under the coffee table
- going for walks
- chasing birds and geckos
- gnawing on bones and various chew toys
Dislikes, as ever, are:
- strangers knocking on the door
- loud noises
- thunder
- the guitar
- swimming
Ashley can be a bit skittish when she encounters aggressive dogs or people she’s never met. But when there’s a knock at the door, she responds with a ferocity that belies her somewhat delicate, 12-kilo (26 pound) frame.
Here we are at the beach:


And here she is relaxing at home.
(She sometimes has a pensive look on her face, though I’m certain I’m projecting what I imagine to be thoughts or emotions about her human companions. I truly believe her only concerns — as they are for all dogs — are food and reliable shelter. But then again, what is loyalty anyway?)

A favorite pastime: longing to lunge at the pigeons through the screen on the balcony:

Caught on the couch! Not only that, but she was resting her head on a silk pillow! That is just not right…

Hmm. Doe eyes. Ears down.
Where have I seen that expression before? Oh yeah, when she was a puppy:

And finally, an interesting tidbit we discovered — through the SCAD Facebook page, if memory serves.
One of Ashley’s litter mates, Amber, was adopted by a family in Canada around the time, or just before, we took Ashley in.
Here’s Amber. Despite the differences in color, I think you’ll see some similarities between Amber and Ashley:

Here’s to another great year. And again, here’s a link to the SCAD site. There are, as always, adoptable dogs and cats available…