In a time of suburban affluence, David Brooks reflects on American mettle in “On the Playing Fields of Suburbia.”
If you like this piece, be sure to check out Brooks’s excellent book “Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There.”
Hi. I'm Newley Purnell. I cover technology and business for The Wall Street Journal, based in Hong Kong. I use this site to share my stories and often blog about the books I'm reading, tech trends, sports, travel, and our dog Ginger. For updates, get my weekly email newsletter.
In a time of suburban affluence, David Brooks reflects on American mettle in “On the Playing Fields of Suburbia.”
If you like this piece, be sure to check out Brooks’s excellent book “Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There.” is very cool.
In today’s Washington Post, Richard Cohen argues that the Enron mess–the fact that top executives were allowed to sell their Enron stock before it tanked, while the rest of the company’s employees were not–is an ethical outrage, not a political one.
An interesting article in the NY Times details plans for adopting guidelines to measure the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns.
P.J. O’Rourke on the anthrax scare.
A group of Tibetan Buddhist monks is here in DC creating a gift for the United States: A mandala, which is an elaborate sand painting. More on mandalas is available here.
Kevin Kelly’s “The Web Runs on Love, Not Greed” explains why the downfall of the dot coms does not mean the downfall of the Web. He says, “So much money flew around dot-coms, that it hid the main event on the web, which is the exchange of gifts. While the most popular 50 websites are crassly commercial, most of the 3 billion web pages in the world are not.”
Kelly’s article reminds me of a great piece that ran on The Motley Fool in December of 2000. At its crux, the Internet is about communicating–not making money.
“Reading anxiety”–the sense that no matter what, there’ll never be enough time to read all the good stuff out there. Gotta love the J. Alfred Prufrock reference.
Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy’s, has died. The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption lives on.
The Microsoft Web site offers some useful hints for Outlook 2000 users.
Here’s an exceptional article outlining the reasons that nonprofits need strategic communications. It’s called “Why Take Media Seriously.”
Philanthropy News Digest is running a great interview with Michael Gilbert, one of the foremost leaders in the nonprofit tech world. I agree with a lot of what he has to say. His Nonprofit Online News site is one of my favorite destinations on the Web.