Will Schwalbe, in a WSJ Saturday essay called “The Need to Read”:
We need to read and to be readers now more than ever.
Books are uniquely suited to helping us change our relationship to the rhythms and habits of daily life in this world of endless connectivity. We can’t interrupt books; we can only interrupt ourselves while reading them. They are the expression of an individual or a group of individuals, not of a hive mind or collective consciousness. They speak to us, thoughtfully, one at a time. They demand our attention. And they demand that we briefly put aside our own beliefs and prejudices and listen to someone else’s. You can rant against a book, scribble in the margin or even chuck it out the window. Still, you won’t change the words on the page.
The technology of a book is genius: The order of the words is fixed, whether on the page or on the screen, but the speed at which you read them is entirely up to you. Sure, this allows you to skip ahead and jump around. But it also allows you to slow down, savor and ponder.
And a passage that especially resounded with me:
So I’m on a search—and have been, I now realize, all my life—to find books to help me make sense of the world, to help me become a better person, to help me get my head around the big questions that I have and answer some of the small ones while I’m at it.
I know I’m not alone in my hunger for books to help me find the right questions to ask, and find answers to the ones that I have. I am now in my mid-50s, a classic time for introspection. But any age is a good age for examining your life. Readers from their teens to their 90s have shared with me their desire for a list of books to help guide them.
In a word: yes.
The essay is excerpted from Schwalbe’s new work, “Books for Living,” which comes out next month.
3 replies on “On the Importance of Reading Books to Understand the World”
So what book(s) would you recommend?
Hi Brian, thanks for asking. Check out my Book Notes posts here: https://newley.com/category/book-notes/ This is just the start; I’ve been writing up my notes from notable books I’ve read, and plan to do more and present them in a more unified, coherent way. So stay tuned! 🙂
thank you! will check out sometime soon. 🙂