
Thailand’s yellow shirt leader says military tried to kill him


“Thai Says Military Behind Murder Plot: Mogul’s Claim, Absolving Political Foe Thaksin, Puts New Twist on Nation’s Turmoil”

A Thai media baron who was instrumental in toppling two governments said an alliance of military officials and politicians bent on thwarting political change was behind an attempt to kill him last month.

Sondhi Limthongkul’s claim, while unproven, was notable in part because the businessman and protest leader absolved his political foe, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, and said both men shared a common desire for change.

Mr. Sondhi made the allegation Sunday in his first public remarks since the murder attempt at dawn on April 17. Police say at least five men fired at least 84 rounds from military-grade assault rifles at Mr. Sondhi’s car as he traveled to his office in Bangkok’s historic old quarter.

Mr. Sondhi had to undergo surgery to remove shrapnel from his skull after the attack, which seriously wounded his driver. No arrests have been made.

The attack was a fresh twist in a continuing political struggle in Thailand over whether the nation should become a functioning, accountable democracy or a place where generals and politicians make deals to determine who wields power, as has been the case for much of Thailand’s history.

There’s more from the AP and Reuters.

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