
‘The New Myanmar’: All 6 episodes of Anasuya’s new show

Last month I mentioned that the first two episodes of “The New Myanmar,” hosted by Anasuya Sanyal — also known as my amazing wife — were available online.

The show’s final four episodes have now aired on Channel NewsAsia, as well, and I wanted to embed them here.

Again, here are the first two shows:

Episode one, “Artistic Freedom,” about music and the arts in the country:

Episode two, about Yangon’s architectural heritage:

And now for the newer shows:

Episode three, on business development in Myanmar:

Episode four, on media in the country:

Episode five, about resolving the country’s ethnic conflicts:

And, finally, episode six, on what lies ahead for Myanmar:


And just like that, I’ve completed my Columbia master’s degree

Back in August, I shared the news that I’d be coming here to New York this academic year to study business and economics journalism.

Nine months later — and I can still hardly believe it’s true — I’ve finished. Here’s the proof:

2013 05 24 np diploma

Here I am with some pals before the main Columbia commencement ceremony yesterday morning:

2013 05 24 np cu pals

And below — and on YouTube here — is an especially fun moment from the conclusion of the event.

Once things had ended, Frank Sinatra’s “New York, New York” blasted from the loudspeakers. And then came this more contemporary New York-related anthem…

Yesterday afternoon was the Journalism School commencement event, which included a talk by Errol Morris and remarks by Nicholas Lemann, our outgoing dean, and others.

You can find more details about that gathering on the Journalism School’s site.

So what comes next for me? Stay tuned.

For now, I can say this: I won’t be blogging for the next couple of weeks. But you can find me, as ever, on Twitter. You can also subscribe to my public Facebook updates.

Thanks, as ever, for reading.


8 Links

  1. Oklahoma Tornado Survivor Finds Missing Dog During Live Interview — Gawker
  2. Myanmar’s Mandela Moment — Bloomberg
  3. High-Intensity Circuit Training Using Body Weight: Maximum Results With Minimal InvestmentACSM’S Health & Fitness Journal
  4. Complete Broadcast Day: “WJSV Complete Broadcast Day On September 21, 1939…” —
  5. Diaries, the original social media: How our obsession with documenting (and sharing) our own lives is nothing new — Nieman Journalism Lab
  6. North American English Dialects, Based on Pronunciation Patterns —
  7. 60 thoughts about turning 60 — Ian Martin, The Guardian
  8. Video embedded above and on Vimeo here: “London in 1927”

(Previous link round-ups are available via the links tag.)


‘The New Myanmar’: First Two Episodes Available Online

I mentioned a few weeks back that Anasuya’s new Channel NewsAsia TV show, “The New Myanmar,” would soon air.

Well, the first two episodes have been broadcast, and they’re now available online.

Embedded above on online here is episode one, “Artistic Freedom,” about music and the arts in the country.

And embedded above on and online here is episode two, “Saving Yangon,” about the city’s architectural heritage.

There are several more episodes to come. You can see them live on Channel NewsAsia on Mondays from 8:30 to 9 p.m. Singapore time.


Here’s a Completely Gratuitous Photo of Our Dog Ashley

File under: Just because.

Here’s a recent photo, supplied by our friend P, of our beloved adopted street dog, Ashley, previously discussed here and here.

Ash dog hotel2

Ashley turns five in August, so she’s technically a middle-aged pooch. But, as you may be able to tell in this image, she still has a youthful face and many puppy-like traits.

Normal programming will resume shortly.


Tweets from Tom Wolfe’s Talk Last Night

Tom Wolfe visited the Columbia Journalism School last night.

Rene Auberjonois read from some of Wolfe’s work, then Wolfe chatted with Richard Wald.

Here, in chronological order, are my Tweets (and re-Tweets) from the event.

Journalism Misc.

Anasuya’s New Documentary Series on Myanmar

Here’s the trailer for a new Channel NewsAsia documentary series called “The New Myanmar.”

The series is hosted by Anasuya Sanyal, otherwise known as my amazing wife.

The first show airs Monday, May 6 from 8:30 p.m. until 9 p.m. Singapore time, and the series runs through June 10.

Keep an eye out if you receive Channel NewsAsia, or try to catch the show live online when it airs.

(Note: The trailer, as embedded above, may not display properly on a mobile device, but it should be viewable on a laptop or desktop computer.)


Spotted on NYC Subway: (Fake) Ad for ‘Canine Plastic Surgeon’

I spotted this “ad” for a “canine plastic surgeon” recently on the 1 train here in New York.

2013 04 25 canine plastic surgeon

Despite the silliness of the concept, the ad is pretty convincing, since it’s done very much in the style of many local NYC subway ads. (Dermatologist Dr. Jonathan Zizmor‘s ads come to mind.)

However, a quick visit to, the (hilarious) URL mentioned, reveals that the “ad” is actually for Comedy Central’s “Kroll Show.”

Pretty clever.


‘Accountants are Cowboys of Information’

So wrote David Foster Wallace.

Quartz has the late writer’s handwritten notes from an accounting class.

Love it.

There’s more on the topic in this 2012 New Yorker story.


Springtime Weather Arrives in NYC

This was the scene on the Columbia campus around mid-day yesterday:

2013 04 10 springtime nyc

Yes — it was sunny. And with temperatures in the 60s, it felt almost hot after the last several months of winter.

People were wearing shorts. And napping on lawns. And buying treats from a frozen yogurt truck.

Yes, springtime weather has arrived.



That is all.