Some Thailand-related, some not:
- Understanding Shakespeare: Towards a visual form for dramatic texts and language —
- 10 Tips on How to Write Less Badly — The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Never Ending Pencil —
- It’s Back-to-School Season for the Water Buffalo, Too — WSJ
- Wine: Self-Serve Filling Stations Arrive at French Supermarkets — GOOD
- Mattel introduces new Journalism Barbie — Boing Boing
- The implications of coloured movements — Bangkok Post
- The Hamster Wheel: Why running as fast as we can is getting us nowhere — CJR
- Small Change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted — The New Yorker
- Debate Over Meaning of Standoff in Ecuador — NYT
- What Really Happened in Ecuador: Eyewitnesses deny police kidnapped the president, and there’s no evidence a coup was in the making. — WSJ
Image above: Clouds, Birds, Moon, Venus, by Isaac Gutiérrez Pascual — Astronomy Picture of the Day