Users of the popular messaging app WhatsApp can now conduct their chats via a Web browser — with a few restrictions.
The Facebook-owned service with some 700 million monthly active users said in a blog post Wednesday that people can now link their mobile phones with a WhatsApp Web client, allowing them to write and read messages via their computers.
There are, however, a few limitations to the setup. First, those with iPhones are out of luck due to “Apple platform limitations,” WhatsApp says. The service works with Android, BlackBerry, Nokia S60 and Windows devices, but users need the latest version of WhatsApp.
To start, WhatsApp users can visit via Google’s Chrome browser on their computers, where a QR code will appear.
Click through for instructions on how to set it up.
And, yes, an you’ll see an image of a WhatsApp conversation I had via a Web browser…with myself.
As I said on Facebook earlier: Anything in the name of journalism.