One year ago today, we adopted Ashley, a rescued street dog. Just a puppy, she was found in poor condition indeed. But she was rehabilitated by the fine folks at SCAD Bangkok. SCAD stands for Soi Cats and Dogs — soi being the Thai name for alley or small street.
There are many thousands of “soi dogs,” as they’re known, in the Thai capital and throughout Thailand.
We were told that Ashley had been abused when she was young, and that she was found living with her litter mates in a box outside of a wood dyeing factory. Their mother was nowhere to be found. Someone had kicked Ashley, apparently, and so SCAD arranged to have life-saving surgery performed.
When SCAD took her in, she appeared to be suffering pretty badly:
The organization did a great job of fixing her up, and here’s how she looked when we got her last August, when she was roughly a year old.
Here we are in the taxi coming home:
She was a bit dubious at first…
But once we got home, she settled in quickly.
These days, she has very few puppy-like traits left. She was well socialized with other dogs when we got her, having spent her time time at the center with dozens of other canines. And she was fine with people — not aggressive, and not overly skittish. Generally, her mood is calm. She’s not overly active or insistent on human company. She is, however, extremely playful, both with people and other mutts.
Her likes include:
Hanging out on the balcony…
And hanging out some more…
Taking naps…
Smiling for the camera…
Acting daintily — even crossing her legs:
She also enjoys the the beach, though she likes chasing birds (especially chickens) more than taking dips in the water…
And she also loves her rubber chicken chew toy (though since this photo was taken, only a foot remains):
…and, finally, here she is with a favorite treat — a mangosteen:
Dislikes include swimming (and water of all kinds), loud noises, the guitar, cats, vegetables, and strangers knocking at the door.
Here’s to another great year. And hey, if you’ve been thinking of adopting a pooch, there are several available here on the SCAD Web site.
11 replies on “One year ago today: The story of adopting our Bangkok street dog”
Apologies Ashley – why did I have it in my head this little angel was a boy! Sorry about that!
Ha ha, no worries. Thanks for your kind words.
My oh my – what an adorable boy and you are the stars for rescuing him. He looks like a king now!
I was the one who rescued Ashley from (what my friend Billie and I refer to as) the Stick Factory where she was born. I actually do have photos of her parents. But, most importantly, I want to thank Wendy and SCAD for finding her a new life. Billie and I couldn’t have done it without them. Thank you for giving her this amazing opportunity to live the life that she deserves. Though I no longer live in Thailand my heart will always remain with the animals that need us so much.
Hi, Marie — great to hear from you. Thanks so much for writing. And thanks for rescuing Ashley, and for all of your hard work with SCAD!
beautiful story
cheer all the hearts
Thanks, ubon.
I remember Ashley at SCAD, she is such a gorgeous dog with a great personality. Thousands of soi dogs are not so lucky but with the help of SCAD many dogs each year benefit from their sterilisation, rehoming and foster care programs. I have 2 dogs of my own, who I originally fostered for SCAD and I have to say fostering is also as rewarding as giving one of these lovely dogs a permenant home. All of my former foster dogs, Cricket, Pii Mai, Flame, Tootsie, to name but a few are now living all over the world, thanks to the love and care of SCAD’s international adoption program and their fantastic adoptive families. Needless to say, without regular donations and support through adoptions and foster care here in Thailand and around the world, many dogs like Ashley would remain on the streets today. Thanks Newley for your great artical and photos.
Hi Kath, thanks for your note. I think I remember seeing Cricket on the SCAD Web site.
Thanks for pointing out the importance of fostering and rehoming, as well as adoption.
what a funny dog!
I agree!