
Update on red shirt protests

Here’s the latest on the red shirt protests:

The talks between red shirt leaders and the government (see previous posts here and here) have ended without success.

The red shirts, as we know, have been been pushing the government to dissolve the house — which would lead to new elections — immediately. Prime Minister Abhisit said the government might do so by the end of 2010. The reds countered with a compromise of 15 days. But the two sides couldn’t reach an agreement.

And so the protests continue.

The red shirts are still demonstrating — though in smaller numbers now — at their main site on Rajadamnoen Rd. But Red shirt leaders say they will now conduct another mass protest on Sat., April 3. They say it will be the biggest demonstration yet.

Here’s a story from AP on the current state of affairs. And this AFP piece has quotes from analysts on the role of the military in all of this.

Similarly, here’s some analysis from the Economist.

For a look at how cultural trends within Thailand are reflected in the red shirts’ protests, I suggest reading this IHT story, headlined “Young Thai Protesters Shed Culture of Restraint.”

As ever, stay tuned — both here on Twitter.

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