
My Favorite Podcasts: Updated

As I’ve noted before, I really love podcasts. And I wanted to update the list of my favorite podcasts that I posted last year. So here goes.

First, here are some recent finds; none of these are new, but they’re new to me ((If you’ve never listened to a podcast and wonder what all the fuss is about, check out this three-minute YouTube video: Podcasting in Plain English.)).

The Sound of Young America ((Note that the title is misleading; the show has little to do with America’s youth.)). Tagline: “A Public Radio Show About Things That Are Awesome.” Textism has a good overview of this podcast.

The Moth‘s format is simple: People get up on stage, without notes, and tell stories about their personal experiences. There’s some wonderful, wonderful stuff here.

RadioLab. A podcast about science and philosophy. Sometimes it’s a little too experimental, sonically speaking, for me. But the topics are always intriguing.

And then there are my (mostly well-known) favorites: podcasts that I’ve been listening to for a while and still really like:

This American Life,

— the ESPN Soccernet podcast ((Which also happens to have a lively Facebook group)),

The New Yorker Out Loud,

On the Media,

PRI’s The World, and

World View, from the New York Times.

Got a favorite podcast to share? Let us know in the comments.

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