The Noodle Stand Outside my Front Door

Noodle Stand Outside My Front Door

There’s a noodle stand outside my front door. I mean, really outside my front door.

As you can see in this image, when I come bounding downstairs, I’m practically on top of these poor folks. Not only am I 6’3″, but the door’s elevated well above the alley, so much so that there’s a cinder block I use as a step before landing on the street. I wish I could capture the looks on some of these patrons’ faces when they glance up from their bowls of noodles and see an enormous farang looming about ten feet above them. It seems that when I’m not amusing Thais, I’m frightening them.

(By the way, the owner of the stand, Muay, is delightful. And she turns out some seriously good food.)

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