Protests and Tear Gas
This afternoon, I witnessed a sizeable protest in downtown Cuenca. Teachers and students alike–from both high schools and elementary schools–took to the streets to protest cuts in education funding. Some students got quite vociferous, so police tear gassed them; they dispersed quickly.
Later on, a few blocks away, I saw two motorcycle cops apprehend a teenage guy; they pulled over (they were both riding on one bike), grabbed him, put him on the motorcycle between themselves, and tore away. Protests are common in Ecuador, and Cuencanos seemed not to take much notice of today’s excitement.
El Hijo de la Novia
Two nights ago, I saw a great movie: “El Hijo de la Novia” (“The Son of the Bride”). It’s a very well-acted, well-written, well-shot drama about life and love. Unfortunately, I thought it would have English subtitles. It didn’t. I understood approximately 10% of the dialogue.