
“Sun Outages” in Bangkok

Perhaps this has something to do with coup-related Western media censorship, but A and I saw this on TV recently here in Bangkok. The full text of this screen — which appears sporadically for 30 seconds or so during English-language commercials that feature non-political content on the cable provider UBC — reads:

Please be advised that there may be short disruptions to our satellite transmission due to sun outages from Tue 26 September to Wed 4 October from 06:00 to 15:00 due to a “sun outage”. This is a natural phenomenon that may affect our signal for a few minutes – after which normal transmission will resume. We apologise for any inconvenience.

And here’s the Thai version, for what it’s worth.

What in God’s name is a “sun outage”? Is UBC talking about solar flares? If this is a natural phenomenon, how the hell do they know when, precisely, it’ll occur? Am I going crazy here or what?

Thailand Has an Interim PM

Surayud Chulanont, Thailand's New Interim PM

Thailand now has an interim Prime Minister. Surayud Chulanont, a retired army general, was appointed yesterday.


Thailand prime minister sworn in

The IHT‘s Seth Mydans and Tom Fuller:

Thailand’s junta said Friday that it would not interfere with the workings of the interim government it has promised to appoint. But it said it reserved the right to fire the government in exceptional circumstances.

Peter Kneisel, writing in the Boston Globe, provides some history on coups in Thailand:

Never leave home in autumn. In Thailand, it is a dangerous time for an embattled leader to travel outside the kingdom and a surprising oversight by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra that led to his overthrow. He had used his fortune to consolidate power, but neglected to firm up his popularity as he fiddled with the military promotion lists. The lists are leaked in September and published in October. Generals get restless in October, particularly if their careers are at risk.

Asia Sentinel:

The naming of retired Gen Surayud Chulanont as interim Prime Minister will cement the impression that the coup was a royal affair


Thai taxi rams into tank in apparent coup protest

The Nation:

The persistent myth of the ‘good’ coup

Bangkok Pundit:

COMMENT: No matter how Thailand/coup leaders/Gen Surayud tries to paint this the military are yet to withdraw from politics – the military’s position is further entrenched with the new Constitution also approved today. I also don’t imagine he will impress most businessman with his first statement in his office:

“We will concentrate on the self-sufficiency economy that His Majesty the King advocates,” he told a news conference. “We won’t concentrate so much on the
GDP numbers. We would rather look into the indicators of people’s happiness and prosperity.”

Nevertheless, Gen Surayud was not chosen to pacify businessman or the international community, but for the domestic audience. He is no technocrat with economic and legal experience, but his distinct advantage is his good reputation in Thailand. This will give him a longer honeymoon period than almost any other military appointed civilian PM in Thailand would have, but he has a tough road ahead of him and the best he can do is come out the situation with his reputation intact. The first thing he will have to learn in his short political career is his popularity will partly depend on economic performance, that is simply politics whether he is an elected PM or not.


Thailand Coup: Nine Days In

The big news in Bangkok today is that the city’s long-awaited new airport has finally opened.


Bangkok opens much-delayed air hub


World class airport with no air-conditioning?

More airport photos at

— The award for best airport story goes to the IHT’s Tom Fuller:

Key passages:

The official inauguration of Suvarnabhumi, which is pronounced Sawana-poom, will be the latest in what has become a sort of Asian ritual in recent years: As national economies rise, governments discard the crowded, often improvised old airports and open giant, gleaming replacements. In Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong and now Bangkok the new airports are the cathedrals of international air travel, with soaring glass facades and cavernous departure halls.

But the official opening of Suvarnabhumi on Thursday comes with some added baggage, and not the kind that passengers carry to check-in counters. This is political baggage.

The airport project floundered for about 40 years before Thaksin Shinawatra came to power in 2001. Thaksin, a leader whose motto could have been “I don’t want to hear excuses,” pushed through the airport’s construction and sought to open it before elections that were to be held in October or November.

Those elections were called off last week when military leaders removed Thaksin from power. Now, with the prime minister gone, the airport has become a symbol of the ambivalence that the country feels toward him.

While Thaksin was appreciated for an aggressive, can-do style that brought universal health care to the country and paid back the debts owed to the International Monetary Fund, Thaksin also came to be seen as too aggressive in a country that highly values politeness. And his administration was dogged by allegations of conflicts of interest and corruption.

“He got it done. No other government was able to do it,” said Thitinan Pongsudhirak, a professor of political science at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok who has written about the airport. “On the other hand he cheated along the way and took a lot for his cronies.”


In terms of geography, the move is a step down. Don Muang means “city on a hill” while the area around Suvarnabhumi used to be called cobra swamp before being given its present name, which means golden land. Don Muang will handle cargo and some catering for a few weeks or months and then will be used for charter and government flights.

“Cobra swamp.” Awesome.

(Emphasis mine.)

Other stories:

— Ismail Wolff has an op-ed in the NYT recounting his experience of the coup here in Bangkok:

The Silk Revolution


Thailand’s coup leaders struggle for acceptance abroad

And last but certainly not least:


Thai generals ban go-go dancers

— Here’re more pics on a Thai Web site.

Only in Thailand, my friends. Only in Thailand.


Thailand Coup: My First-Hand Account

I’ve got a new story over at Tripmaster Monkey. It’s called “My First Coup.”

Thailand Coup: Nearing a Week In

Thai Coup Newspaper Illustration
[Image via]

I’m particularly busy at the moment, so my daily postings regarding the “smooth as silk” coup will be a bit sparse for a little while. In the meantime, check out BangkokPundit, who’s doing a great job of keeping tabs on the situation.

Thailand Coup: Did Thaksin Know it Was Coming?


Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra may have whisked some of his assets out of the country aboard two aircraft days before a military coup ousted him from power, airline officials said Sunday.

An official from Thai Airways International, who demanded anonymity because company policy did not allow him to speak to the press, said he wanted the new ruling military council to investigate the incidents.

Speculation has been rife in Thailand that Thaksin may have snuck money out of the country in the days leading up to the coup, but there has been no confirmation from the council.

Thaksin departed for Finland to begin a foreign tour on September 9, loading up his government-assigned aircraft with 58 large suitcases and trunks, the official of the national carrier said.

The prime minister’s aircraft, named Thai Koofah, was then inexplicably left parked in Finland for more than a week as Thaksin continued on his trip on other transportation.

A second aircraft carrying 56 suitcases — an Airbus 340-600 — was dispatched from Bangkok to meet up with the prime minister just days before the coup, the Thai Airways official said.

Another official in the airline industry, requesting anonymity because of the issue’s sensitivity, confirmed the second flight, saying it left on September 17 — two days before the military toppled Thaksin in a bloodless coup.

It was unclear why Thaksin needed a second aircraft when his own plane was already assigned to fly him to Europe and the United States.

Speculation has surfaced about whether Thaksin knew of the coup in advance and moved some of his vast assets out of the country.

(Emphasis mine.)

Thailand Coup: Day Five

Monks with Tank
[Image: New York Times]

Things’re still quiet here in Bangkok; there was a very small protest at Siam Paragon mall last night. It drew between 15 and 100 protesters, depending on who you ask. By all accounts the numbers of journalists and onlookers outnumbered the protesters. The biggest question today is when a new PM will be named and who he’ll be.

The bottom line: Thai people feel an extraordinary amount of respect for their king, and so long as he has endorsed the coup leaders, all is copacetic.

To the news coverage:


Thai banker ‘favored as next PM’


Even in Thaksin territory, villagers say coup could solve Thailand’s problems

The CSM‘s Simon Montlake and Dan Ten Kate:

Thai coup uproots a thin democracy

The IHT‘s Seth Mydans:

“Coup May Allow Thais to Take New Tack on Insurgency”

Mr. Thaksin’s ouster in a coup this week offers the chance for a new approach, though not a quick end, to an insurgency that has become nastier and more entrenched and that experts say may be receiving guidance and training from foreign Islamic insurgents.

The WaPo‘s Anthony Faiola:

Thai Coup Highlights Struggles Over Democracy

Reuters‘ Ed Cropley:

Coup puts Thailand’s dream of world role on ice


Thailand’s military rulers irritated at foreign reporting on coup


— The Council for the Democratic Reform under the Constitutional Monarchy — aka the ruling junta — now has an official Web site;

Bangkok Pundit:

The 14 October and to a lesser extent the 6 October are important dates in the Thai calendar. Given their connection between civilian government and military coups both dates will likely see protests against the coup.

2Bangkok’s photos prove that this was truly the “smooth as silk” coup;

— Thai food blogger Chez Pim examines the situation; and

Bangkok Expat Mama attended a small pro-democracy rally last night.

And finally, thanks for links from:

Jaunted; Wendy Harman; Obsidian Wings; and Centerfield.

Thailand Coup: Day Three

Gen. Sondhi

The IHT‘s Tom Fuller:

Thai Junta Imposes Curbs on News Media

The WSJ’s James Hookway has a good story:

Was Thai Coup Pre-Emptive?


Coup raises fresh questions about press freedom in Thailand

Seattle Times:

Some travelers wary after Thailand coup, but tourism impacts expected to be brief

The Independent‘s Justin Huggler:

Democracy is dead, but Bangkok’s 24-hour party people still live it up

Catch Me on KQED’s Pacific Time

KQED's Pacific Time

UPDATE: The show has aired; you can listen to it here (it can be streamed or downloaded as an mp3). I come on after a couple of minutes. The host, Sydnie Kohara, provides some good context regarding the situation.

I was just interviewed by Pacific Time, a radio program that covers “the ideas, trends and cultural patterns that flow back and forth between Asia and America.” It’s produced by KQED in San Francisco. I answered a few questions about the situation here in Thailand. The show is broadcast on public radio stations throughout the US. Here’s when and where it airs.

(Readers in DC: the show will be WETA 90.9 FM tonight at 8 p.m. You can listen live online here.)


Thailand’s Bloodless Coup: Nearing 48 Hours In

Thailand Coup: Soldiers Stand Guard

I spent four hours this afternoon walking around Bangkok and taking photos and talking to people. The image above very clearly illustrates the situation on the ground: Soldiers stand guard, while behind them civilians go about their daily lives. To the right, the two symbols of the nation — the country’s tri-colored flag and a yellow emblem of King Bhumibol Adulyadej — are united.

The city is calm. Traffic was light yesterday but appeared, in central Bangkok, to have nearly returned to its normal volume today.

Thailand Coup: Major Intersection

Thailand Coup: Major Intersection

Traffic has picked up a bit from yesterday, but it appeared to move more fluidly than usual. (Yes, this really is “more fluidly.”)

Thailand Coup: Motorcycle Taxi Drivers Relaxing

And, as ever, motorcycle taxi drivers lounged about and waited for fares.

To the news reports:


• Deposed PM Thaksin says coup was totally unexpected
• Sonthi says “all sectors” cooperating with new ruling council
• Rebel Muslim leader says coup may resolve dispute in south
• King endorses military’s takeover, orders people to follow general


Thai army bans “political activities”


Billionaire PM had no shortage of enemies

The lede of the day goes to DPA‘s Peter Janssen:

Bangkok (dpa) – Thailand has arguably taken coup-making to new heights of non-violence, judging by the peaceful response to Tuesday’s bloodless blitzkrieg that toppled prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra from power and put a junta in command of the kingdom.

Thai Army Commander-in-Chief Sonthi Boonyaratklin brought troops and tanks into Bangkok Tuesday night and took over the country without firing a shot, putting a junta in power that has promised to hand over the reins of government to a cabinet of appointed civilians within two weeks and hold a general election within a year.

“I have seen 15 coups myself in the past 30 years and this was the easiest one yet,” said Luzi Matzig, a long time resident in Thailand who runs Asia Travels, a tour agency. “A smooth-as-silk kind of coup,” quipped Matzig, playing on Thailand’s national airline’s advertising slogan “THAI – Smooth as Silk.”

The Nation:

Figures Behind the Coup (graphic)

Bangkok Post:

Police, bomb plot file vanish


Bangkok Pundit is staying on top of things, as is