As I Tweeted yesterday, I was delighted to see that my piece on all things vintage Thailand was included in WSJ Scene Asia’s list of their top Asian travel stories of 2012.
The story, which ran in August, is online here.
As I Tweeted yesterday, I was delighted to see that my piece on all things vintage Thailand was included in WSJ Scene Asia’s list of their top Asian travel stories of 2012.
The story, which ran in August, is online here.
Just a quick note to let you know that I have a new story over at Covering Business, a Columbia Journalism School site.
The piece is called “How to Write About Shocks to the Tourism Industry.”
Two items to point out quickly:
I have a story today over at The Wall Street Journal‘s Scene Asia blog about where to find good coffee in Thailand.
I have a story in the Christian Science Monitor about Thailand’s deep south. The headline is “Muslim insurgency in Thailand’s restive south heats up.”
Self-promotion: I had a story over at the Wall Street Journal‘s Scene Asia blog on Tuesday about Bangkok’s new Hansar Hotel. It’s called “No. 1, Naturally.”
Self-promotion: I have a story today at the WSJ‘s Scene Asia blog about new options for bread in the Thai capital. It’s called “Where to Carb-Load in Bangkok.”
I have a new story at GlobalPost. It’s called “Thailand: Is Yingluck a win for women’s rights?“
You can read it here.
I have five reviews in the recently published 2008 Forbes Traveler 400, a compendium of the world’s best hotels.
You can see my contributions here:
— Shangri-La Hotel (Bangkok)
And here’s the entire 2008 FT 400.