is running an entertaining and informative interview with Elliott Hester, a flight attendant and author.
Using email effectively
Here’s an excellent article about using email effectively in a business setting.
The “midlife-crisis crisis”
The exceptional David Brooks strikes again. This time, he examines, with his characteristic humor, the “midlife-crisis crisis” that has struck our great nation.
On Shakespeare and Marlowe
Were Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets actually written by Christopher Marlowe? I don’t know, but I’d like to see this film.
“Girls just want to be mean”
In Margaret Talbot’s (quite long, but very good) New York Times article, she surveys the world of teenage girls’ “relational aggression”–the way they lash out at their peers psychologically. Whereas boys are physically cruel to each other, the thinking goes, girls manipulate and gossip about their enemies. Talbot’s conclusion: “Girls Just Want to Be Mean.”
Keller and Friedel in the EPL
In soccer news, two American goalkeepers playing in the English Premier League are having vastly different seasons. Kasey Keller, traditionally the US number one, can’t break through to the Tottenham Hotspur first team.
Meanwhile, Blackburn Rovers’ Brad Friedel, who normally backs up Keller on the American national team, is starting–and earning enthusiastic praise–for his club squad. If this trend continues, it’ll be interesting to see who starts for the US in the World Cup this summer.
Cobain’s journals for sale?
Courtney Love is shopping Kurt Cobain’s voluminous journals, which are to be published as a book. It sounds like he had some interesting things to say in them.
Where is El Dorado?
A Polish explorer says he knows where knows where El Dorado is, and he’s about to lead an expedition to find it. He claims to have found a 16th-century Jesuit manuscript that details the legendary city of gold’s location.
In other news, President Bush began his trip to Asia with a slip of the tongue. offers an entertaining and useful state-by-state directory of greasy spoons.
The leading goal scorers in Europe’s top domestic leagues are listed here, courtesy of
“Crazier than thou”
In “Crazier Than Thou,” Thomas Friedman argues that Dubya’s “axis of evil” remark was a wise strategic move.