You may recall that I pointed out a striking vintage Thailand travel poster back in January.
The image comes from the Boston Public Library’s collection of travel posters, viewable on Flickr.
Here’s the poster again:
Fast forward a few months. I received an interesting email yesterday from a Tim in Massachusetts. He wrote:
…I came across your site purely by accident as I was looking for a copy of that SIAM poster that had an unobliterated printer’s stamp. I pulled my copy from the Boston Public Library site and then repaired it with Photoshop and did an auto-set color levels and contrast to brighten it up. I wasn’t able to find a copy with an undamaged, printer’s stamp so I’ve opted to erase it entirely. Anyhow, I just wanted to pass it on to you if you care to update yours with the one I’ve fixed up…
Below is Tim’s repaired image. You’ll notice that the corners have been cleaned up, and the image is a bit clearer. While the vintage version has an interesting, frayed look, perhaps this one is closer to how the original appeared:
Thanks for sharing, Tim.
3 replies on “A polished version of the vintage Thailand travel poster”
I have an original version of this poster. Part of the bottom of mine is missing as are the white boarders. It’s a hyper rare poster.
This is just what I’ve been looking for!
I just posted the original of this poster on eBay. if you’d care to take a look.