
49 Photos from Chiang Mai and Pai

I’m back in The Big Mango (Bangkok) after the return 15-hour overnight train ride from Chiang Mai; I’m sleep-deprived and disoriented, but because I love you all so much, I’ve uploaded a bunch of new images for your enjoyment.

A few of my faves:

Wats in Chiang Mai:




A bridge near my guest house in Pai:

Bridge at Night

The train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai:


A couple of self-portraits taken from between cars:


Don't Jump!

My friend Somchai, a monk I met at a wat in Chiang Mai. He’s 26 years old and speaks excellent English; he has a B.A. in languages and an M.A. in political science. We had a chat about the controversy currently swirling around Thailand’s president, Thaksin Shiniwatra. Somchai took quite an interest in my journal, as you can see:

My Friend Somchai

And, finally, three simple words to live by:

A Word to the Wise

That’s all I’ve got for now, folks. I’ve received some emails asking questions about my travels, itinerary, and other stuff. Bring it on — just leave a comment on this post and I’ll try to address your query or observation in my upcoming dispatches.

One reply on “49 Photos from Chiang Mai and Pai”


I love the shoot of the silhouetted temples with the white clouds in the background.
Here’s my quesstion: Have you gained new insight about yourself on this trip? If so, what?

I’m enjoying your trip, too.

All my love, Dad

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