
Hey, Lucio: Denial Ain’t Just a River in Egypt


Ousted Ecuadorean President Lucio Gutierrez said Thursday he was renouncing his asylum in Colombia and would return to his own country where he faces arrest and attempt to regain power.

“I will use all legal and constitutional means to retake power,” Gutierrez told a news conference in a Bogota hotel.

Ecuadorean Interior Minister Galo Chiriboga warned that if Gutierrez returns, he “must submit to the law.” In a radio interview in Ecuador’s capital of Quito, Chiriboga noted that a judge has ordered Gutierrez’s arrest.

“What the de facto government does is not my call,” Gutierrez told journalists. “I cannot be held accountable for what happens when I step on Ecuadorean soil.”

Who’s writing Gutierrez’s speeches these days, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf?

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