I recently received a strange spam from a sender with the (ahem) evocative name of “Mastiff G. Adulterating.” (Is that particular breed prone to philandering?) The subject line was “nice gift for everybody,” and the complete text of the email read:
balcony by uttering just two words: ‘Hang him.’ To drive the convoy away as
—–[URL redacted]
in just the same way. To Annushka’s credit it must be said that she was
the depths of a seedy garden, separated from the sidewalk by a fancy
Lovely in a weird sort of way. Almost reminiscent of James Wright, the great imagistic poet I studied during my undergraduate days. (Back in the fall of 1996, my last heady autumn on an American college campus, when I still believed that the workings of the world could be encapsulated in a few measured lines — “Beauty is truth, truth beauty — that is all / Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know” — I probably read this poem over 500 times.)