
Motorcycles Around the World

Question: why are motorcycles so prevalent in Asia and yet comparatively less widespread in other parts of the world? I have no idea. I’ve asked smart people about this in the past but have received no compelling explanation.

Is it because Asian cities are more compact than those in the West, making shorter distances more suitable to motorcycle travel?

Is it because many motorcycles are manufactured in Asia, so they’re cheaper to buy there?

Have motorycles not caught on in in South America because the roads are poor and would be difficult to traverse by motorbike?

Do Asians have a different outlook on death — hey, it happens — and thus are more comfortable with riskier motorcycle travel?

Motorycle usage in Europe is higher than in the Americas, but not as high as in Asia; what about motorcycles in Africa and Australia — do people ride them there? Not so much, I think.

Please posit theories in the comments. I’m dying to resolve this issue.

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