
Back from Kenting

Had a good time in Kenting. Decent sun. A little cold.

A few links for your enjoyment:

Inspired by some recent arguments, I present this, so as to elucidate the facts:

1) The Great Wall of China CANNOT be seen from space. Urban legend. Chinese commie propaganda.

2) People confuse the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” (a list that was compiled in Roman times) with some sort of official, immutable, mostly modern-day list. There are some other, more contemporary “Seven Wonders” lists, but the old compilation is the famous one, and six of the seven wonders it describes no longer exist.


–Have you seen these incredible, very sad photos of the recent tsunami? They were taken by a Candaian couple who perished; their digital camera was recovered and the images were intact.

Jack W. sends along this unbelievable infomercial–Deion Sanders endorsing a hot dog cooker. Neon Deion must be hard-up for cash

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