

I’ve edited the links on the left-hand side of this page. I’ve removed some superfluous stuff and added some new blogs. They are:

Baseball Musings, the title of which speaks for itself;
Jim Henley‘s Weblog, which covers politics and culture;
–Reason Magazine’s Hit & Run Weblog;
–Josh Marshall’s Talking Points Memo, in which he reflects on political happenings;
Obernews, Brooke Oberwetter’s entertaining blog;
The Devil’s Excrement, a Weblog written by a fellow Southern Exposure blogger, Miguel Octavio, who lives in Venezuela;
SCHotline, which summarizes news from my adopted home state of South Carolina;
Matthew Yglesias’s Weblog, in which he opinies on politics and culture;
–the always-juicy Romenesko’s MediaNews, an oldie-but-goodie; and
–a non-blog,

Read and enjoy.

UPDATE (Sat. afternoon): I’ve added two more–these’re sites I’ve been reading for a long time but am just now linking to: BravesJournal, which covers my favorite underperforming baseball team, and The London Guardian’s TEFL news, about teaching English to non-native speakers.

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