
Reader Mail: Melting Glaciers and Global Warming

Well, Thanksgiving was great. My brother arrived from La Paz and a bunch of us cooked all day yesterday and we had one hell of a feast. I believe I’m suffering, at this moment, from a lingering food hangover.

Turning to the world of Ecuador news, I received an interesting email message that touches on the issue of climate change.

In my most recent Southern Exposure Ecuador news roundup, I referenced this Reuters article about melting glaciers. The World Wildlife Fund says global warming needs to be stopped; if it continues, glaciers will melt in the next century and nations such as Ecuador will face water shortages.

A reader from Muncie, Indiana responded:

The melting glaciers has been an “urgent” story for at least one million years and has accelerated over the past 25 years thanks to pseudo-science and a higher level of panic in the “scientific community” who can see all things past and future from their vantage points deep in their duodenums. Perhaps the melting is more mental than actual which could mean that Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador (even Colombia and Panama) will survive another million years which is the approximate number of years it will take to eliminate corruption in government and services. Don’t built an ark yet.

Many people assume that the phenomenon known as global warming exists–and that it’s a grave danger. But not everyone agrees. I confess I’m rather ignorant of the arguments posed by those skepitcal of climate change. A quick Web search reveals a number of organizations that question global warming. Care to comment on the issue? Email me or post a note on the message board.

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